Sunday, September 28, 2008

A lesson in patience

Life, with its intricate twists and turns, has a way of sucking the energy out of us and leaving us nothing but a battered, empty shell. At least it seems that way sometimes. I have been bombarded with personal problems for about a week and sometimes it just seems that it would be easiest to call it quits. Compound that with the fact that it can be hard to serve as an Assistant Pastor while waiting your turn and it can be downright frustrating sometimes. As I gleefully watch the elevation of those around me, I can't help but have a sense of uneasiness from the perspective that my turn will not come. I would not have these thoughts cast off as jealousy, but rather I am just questioning the lack of movement in my regards. I hear from pastors that say I am long overdue, while there are some who say that it took them many years before they got a chance to exercise their call and I may just have to wait a little while longer. God's timing is essential in every move that we make, but when do we know that it is His timing and not our own? It is imperative that the minister places his/her entire trust in God and put no confidence in man. It may seem like a harsh statement, but life has a way of teaching you that not every person has your best interest at heart in the basic sense, but they will have heart for you if their heart is for God. So while I wait, I have learned how to wait patiently for I know that God will come through. Therein lies the message; God will come through. Meanwhile, I will let "patience have her perfect work."

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